
Pioneer Era Utah Artists
 Lorus Pratt (Tooele, UT 1855 - 1923, Salt Lake City, UT)with Albert-Gabriel Rigolot (French, 1862 - 1932)Landscape with Pond (c. 1890)25 1/4  x 18 1/4 in., Oil on canvas.Anthony’s Fine Art, Salt Lake CityLorus Pratt was one of five Utahans...
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Light by Gabriel von Max
  Gabriel Cornelius Ritter von Max  Prague, Czcechia, 1840 — 1915, Munich, Germany Licht, Blinde Öllampenverkäuferin in römischen Katakomben zur Zeit der Christenverfolgung. (Light, Blind oil lamp seller in Roman catacombs at the time of the persecution of Christians) c. 1872. Oil...
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H.L.A. Culmer, Grand Canyon of the Colorado in Arizona
H.L.A. Culmer was the first artist to see and paint Utah’s southern regions. An explorer, civic leader, writer, and entrepreneur, he used art to promote knowledge and development of Utah. Preceding the establishment of the United States National Parks Department in 1905, this painting, Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, was made by Culmer as a result of his exploration of Southern Utah and subsequently displayed at the St. Louis World’s Fair of 1904.
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Walter Rane's Renaissance
Walter Rane is experiencing a Renaissance. We have the privilege of exhibiting several works that show a range — from figurative to landscape and more abstract — that may surprise and delight even his most ardent admirers. Known for works...
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Featured Artist | Aaron Stills
Aaron Stills (American, b. 1953) Old World Nostalgia  /  Oil on Canvas  /  39 x 38 (in) This Friday we open a month-long exhibition of masterworks by the painter Aaron Stills. His meditative oil compositions of everyday objects are composed and...
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