
Our Savior Tiffany Stained Glass
This monumental window depicting Christ is one of the finest and earliest examples of Tiffany Studios stained glass to ever come available. It was originally donated to and installed in the Jackson Sanatorium, a health spa in Dansville, NY, as...
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Minerva Kohlepp Teichert
  Teichert's mother and sisters encouraged and supported her throughout her time at the Art Students League in New York City. They would send letters of encouragement and praise for her art, as well as, monetary help for her tuition....
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The Puritan by Augustus Saint-Gaudens
The stalwart figure, who confidently strides forward with walking stick in hand and a Bible held firmly under his left arm, was unveiled on Thanksgiving Day in 1887. Representing more than just the singular man on which it was based, The Puritan stands for qualities of resilience, courage and moral fortitude—the all-important makings of an early American settler.
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