Isaac Newton Handwritten Manuscript on Religion, Concerning a Translation of the Nicene Creed and the True Doctrine of Christ

Isaac Newton Handwritten Manuscript on Religion, Concerning a Translation of the Nicene Creed and the True Doctrine of Christ
This handwritten religious manuscript by Isaac Newton is a profoundly significant document. It reveals the foundation of Newton's theological dissent from the doctrine of the Trinity as upheld by the Church of England—a heretical stance that, in his time, could have been punishable by death. In this manuscript, Newton articulates his belief that the early Church had distorted the original teachings of Christ. He argues that the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity stems from a mistranslation of a critical term in the Nicene Creed.
The Nicene Creed, a foundational text of Christian theology, was drafted in 325 AD during a council convened by Emperor Constantine to resolve disputes regarding the nature of the relationship between Christ the Son and God the Father. Many terms debated at the Council of Nicaea were derived from pre-Christian philosophy, and their precise meanings were often unclear to the clerics present. Newton focuses on the Greek term homoousios, used in the Creed to describe the relationship between Christ and God. He contends that it was mistakenly translated as "one in substance" instead of "consubstantial" or "similar in substance."
Scholars now increasingly recognize that Newton’s theological beliefs are essential to understanding his intellectual life as a whole, including his scientific endeavors. Newton kept these controversial views private, and his heirs suppressed his theological writings for two centuries after his death. Only in recent times have these documents been fully examined. This manuscript stands as a powerful testament to Newton’s critical thinking and philosophical depth, distinguished by its uncommon use of Greek. It is a pivotal resource for understanding Newton’s conception of God and his broader intellectual legacy.
20.5 x 17 in.